Friday, July 10, 2009

Site Records by State

Below is a list of current site records. If you want to add a record that is not listed or make a correction please feel free to contact me.

Some of the links below go to the local club pages where you will find additional links that will take you to information about the site and in some cases a write-up of the record flight.


Updated records


FW  Owen Morse  102 Miles OR

* Records set this year.
+ New site
# Unconfirmed

FW - Flex Wing
RW - Rigid Wing
PG - Paraglider
SS - Single Surface HG
WR - World Record


T - triangle; OR - out and return


RW Miller Stroud 105.5 Miles

Keel Mountain-SW Site -
FW Dave Giles 65 Miles

Rudy's Ridge -
FW David Giles 102 Miles


Cobb Mountain -
PG Jeff Bennett 31.07 Miles

Eagle River -
PG Jack Brown  68 Miles

Indian Hill -
PG  Wil Brown  74.5 Miles

Pepper Peak -
PG  Wil Brown  97.9 Miles


Aubrey Cliffs -
FW Dustin Martin 205 Miles
RW Stan Roberts 167.13 Miles

Echo Cliffs -
FW Craig Newman 80 Miles

Mt. Elden -
FW John Johnson 264 Miles

Merriam Crater -
FW Stan Mish 130 Miles
PG Brandt May 69 Miles

Miller Canyon -
PG Pav Dygas 78 Miles

Mingus Mountain -
RW Stan Roberts 178.5 Miles

Oatman -
PG Bertus Geertsema 24.7 Miles

P Mountain (Black Peak)-
RW  Stan Roberts  185.1 miles

Shaw Butte, AZ
PG Brad Chastain 37.00 miles

Sheba Crater -
PG Dixon White 62.13 Miles

South Mountain -
FW Dustin Martin 95.4 Miles

Yarnell -
FW Ralph Berg 194 Miles


Jasper -
FW  Ted Willis 42 Miles
PG  Britton Shaw  107 miles

Magazine Mountain -
FW Jim Steele 129.30
FW Phil Morgan 75.9 Miles (OR)
FW James Linscome 32.7 Miles (T)
PG Britton Shaw 143 Miles
RW Mark Stump 178 Miles
RW Mark Stump 68.4 Miles (OR)
RW Mark Poustinchian 73.8 (T)

Mt. Nebo -
FW Mark Poustinchian 105 Miles
FW David Giles 50 Miles (OR)
FW Warren Flatte 24.4 Miles (T)
PG Britton Shaw 84 Miles
RW Mark Poustinchian 154 Miles
RW Mark Poustinchian 76 Miles (OR)
RW Mark Stump 49 Miles (T)

Pipe Line -
FW Mark Poustinchian 95 Miles
PG Britton Shaw 62 Miles

Secret Site -
FW John Flatte 61.5 Miles

Short Mountain -
PG Britton Shaw 14 Miles


9 Mile Road, CA -
PG  Reavis Sutphin-Gray  182 Miles

Bald Mountain -
RW Steve Rudy 81 Miles

Big Black -
FW Al Adams 21 Miles
PG  Phil Wessinger  48.3 Miles

Black Eagle Mine -
FW Mike Kunitani 169 Miles
RW Tony Deleo 228.4 Miles

Blackhawk -
FW  Rick Culbertson 161 Miles
PG  Mitch Riley  163.3 Miles 
RW  Bruce Barmakian 221 Miles

Blossom Valley -
FW David Whitehall 46.5 Miles
PG Chris Cote 54 Miles

Buck Mountain -
FW Ramy Yanetz 90 Miles

Cerro Gordo -
FW Steve Moyes 137 Miles
SS Jerry Katz 100 Miles

Cucamonga -
FW Steve Luna 97 Miles
PG Cary Mendes 45 Miles
RW Herb Seidenberg 72 Miles

Cuesta -
FW John Hesch 51 Miles

Dunlap -
FW Unknown 55.3 Miles
PG Josh Cohn 86.4 Miles

Elk Mountain -
FW Rich Sauer 65 Miles
PG  Reavis Sutphin-Gray 65 Miles
RW Rich Sauer/Vince Endter 105 Miles

FW  Rodger Hoyt  108 miles

Elsinore -
FW Randy Haney 167 Miles
PG  Chris Cote  87,8 Miles

Flynns -
PG  Reavis Sutphin-Gray  172 Miles

Garlock -
FW Bill Soderquist 162 Miles
RW Tony Deleo 214 Miles
PG Alex Gagarin 55 Miles

Glass Mountain -
FW Denny Mallett 90 Miles

Goat Mountain -
FW Charlie Nelson 36.3 Miles

Hat Creek -
PG Enleau O'Connor 71 Miles

Henninger Flats -
PG  Gavin Fridlund  61.53 Miles

Herd Peak-
FW  Rodger Hoyt  54 miles

Horse Canyon -
FW Steve Koji 132 Miles
FW Kamyar Hagani 47.7 Miles (T)
FW Multiple Pilots 43 Miles (OR)
PG  Chris Cote  92.3 Miles
PG  Multiple Pilots  43 Miles (OR)
RW David Whitehall 87 Miles

Hull Mountain -
FW Rich Sauer 67 Miles
RW Scot Huber 70 Miles

Indian Valley -
FW  Scot Huber  158.59 Miles

Kagel -
FW Jeff Chipman/Ron Wiener 141 Miles
PG  Mike Lester  102.6 Miles
RW Sebastian Lutges 141 Miles

Keys View -
FW Scott Smith 125 Miles

Laguna Mountain -
FW Larry Brill  170 Miles
FW Glen Volk 126 Miles (OR)
FW Jeff Brown 59.2 Miles (T)
PG  Chris Cote  144.7 Miles
PG  Chris Cote  71.3 Miles (OR)
RW David Whitehall 105 Miles
RW Rich Burton/Dave Seaberg 125 Miles (OR)

Lake McClure -
FW  Scot Huber  122.4 Miles

Lee Vining -
FW Denny Mallett 101 Miles
PG  Dave Turner  106 Miles

Little Black -
FW Glen Volk 36 Miles
PG  Chris Cote 59 Miles

Marshall/Crestline -
FW Owen Morse 118.2 Miles
FW Owen Morse 102 Miles (OR)
FW  Dan DeWeese  98.3 (T)
PG  Gavin Fridlund  104.67 Miles
PG  Alex Gagarin  65.6 Miles (OR)
PG  Gavin Fridlund  57.6 Miles (T)
RW Bruce Barmakian 182.3 Miles
RW Bruce Barmakian 100.2 Miles (OR)

Mazzourka -
RW Dan Chappell 98 Miles

McGee Mountain -
FW  Dan Conners  152 Miles
PG  Reavis Sutphin-Gray  151 Miles

Mentone -
PG  Gavin Fridlund  32.7 Miles
RW Bruce Barmakian 50.5 Miles

Mission Peak -
FW Wayne Ashby 139 Miles
PG Ed Stein 76.5 Miles

Mt. Diablo -
FW Zac Majors 190.4 Miles
RW Andy Long 159 Miles
PG Ed Stein 85.7 Miles

Mt St Helena -
FW  Scot Huber  107.9 Miles
PG  Reavis Sutphin-Gray  66 Miles

Mt. Tom -
PG Nate Scales 85 Miles

New Jerusalem -
RW Ramy Yanetz 115 Miles

Oat Mountain -
PG  Tom Truax  85 Miles

Ord Mountain -
FW  Larry Tudor  173 Miles
PG  Gavin Fridlund  155.77 Miles
RW  Bruce Barmakian  306 Miles

Paiute -
RW Herb Seidenberg 104 Miles

Palomar -
PG  Chris Cote  61.3 Miles
PG  Dmitri Soloviev  33.2 Miles (OR)
PG  Dmitri Soloviev  45.3 Miles (T)

Pine Mountain -
FW Robert Millington 190 Miles
PG Tony Deleo 139 Miles
RW Tony Deleo 233 Miles

Pioneer Town -
FW Joe Bostik 54 Miles

Plowshares -
FW Tom Truax 110 Miles
PG Chad Bastian 55.5 Miles

Santa Barbara -
FW Craig Warren 100.8 Miles
FW Scott Angel 62.54 Miles (OR)
PG  Logan Walters  111.60 Miles
PG Tom Truax 58 Miles (OR)
RW Tony Deleo 61 Miles

St John -
(Potato Hill for PGs)
FW Scot Huber 110 Miles
PG  Josh Cohn  89.4 Miles
RW Scot Huber 158.4 Miles

Sugar Hill -
FW Mike Tingey 171.2 Miles

Sweetwater -
FW Scot Huber 93.3 Miles
RW Scot Huber 108.9 Miles

The Whaleback -
PG  Scott Harding  124.83 Miles

Tollhouse -
PG Eric Reed 60 Miles

Topatopa (Ojai) -
FW  Robert Millington  85 Miles
PG  Tom Truax  111.11 Miles
PG  Tom Truax  72 Miles (OR)
PG  Tom Truax  62.5 Miles (T)
RW  Tony Deleo  133.5 Miles

Vista Point -
FW Rick Culbertson 95 Miles

Walt's Point -
*FW  Zac Majors  255.80 Miles
FW Owen Morse 222.22 (OR)(WR)
PG  Dave Turner  172.1 Miles
RW Tony Deleo 206 Miles

Wild-Ass -
FW Wayne Michelsen/Ben
Rogers 45 Miles

Wolf/Sonora Pass -
FW Scot Huber 108.3 Miles
RW Scot Huber 174.2 Miles


Bull Mountain -
FW Craig Warren 108 Miles

Lookout Mountain (Glenwood Springs) -
PG  Peter Thompson  81.5 Miles

Mt. Princeton -
FW Ian Huss 155 Miles

Mt. Zion -
FW Brad Koji 183 Miles
PG Jan Voegeli 89.76 Miles

Red Mountain -
PG  Peter Thompson  121 Miles

Skinny Ridge -
PG Peter Thompson 152 Miles
PG Peter Thompson 70 Miles(OR)

Tank Peak -
FW Jim Zeiset 109 Miles

Telluride -
FW Nick Kennedy 145 Miles
PG Jeff Cristol 120 Miles

Villa Grove -
FW  Scot Huber  132.1 Miles

Williams Peak -
FW Stan Nowakowski 136 Miles

Yankee Field -
FW Brad Koji 121 Miles


Talcott Mountain -
FW Deane Williams 77 Miles

Meriden Mountain -
FW Deane Williams 25 Miles


Florida Ridge -
FW Davis Straub 154 Miles
RW Campbell Bowen 202 Miles
PG Andy Macrae 115 Miles

Quest Air -
FW Jonny Durand/Dustin Martin 283 Miles
PG David Prentice 89.8 Miles
RW Davis Straub 130 Miles (T)
RW Davis Straub 135 Miles (OR)
RW Mark Poustinchian 234.4 Miles
SS Bo Hagewood 120 Miles

Wallaby Ranch -
FW Michael Champlin 167 Miles
PG David Prentice 66 Miles
RW Davis Straub 212 Miles


Atlanta PG Park -
PG Luis Rosenkjer 59.3 Miles

Cloverlook -
FW Greg Heckman 124 Miles

Lookout Mountain -
FW Gary Engelhardt 154 Miles
RW Ollie Gregory 107 Miles

Pigeon Mountain -
FW Greg Heckman 66 Miles
PG Mike Milliron 22.7 Miles

Menlo -
FW Greg Heckman 72 Miles

Rising Fawn -
FW  Greg Heckman  60 Miles


Makapuu -
FW  Zac Majors  28 Miles
PG  Josh Cohn  35 Miles
PG  Jonathan Smith  48.8 Miles (OR)

PG Doug Hoffman 20 Miles


Alien -
PG  Gavin McClurg 138 Miles (T)

Bald Mountain -
PG Gavin McCurg 240 Miles
Big Southern Butte -
FW Scot Huber 135.3 Miles
PG Andy Macrae 67 Miles

Danskin Peak -
PG Eddy Petranek 22.5 Miles
RW Kevin Frost 36 Miles

Heise -
PG Jon Patterson 85 Miles

Indian Head -
FW Kurt Ziegler 51.7 Miles
RW Kevin Frost 69 Miles

Kelly Canyon -
PG Chip Hildebrand 48 Miles

King Mountain -
FW John Woiwode 187 Miles
FW Scot Huber 112 Miles (OR)
RW Scot Huber 139 Miles
PG  Trey Hackney  117.5 Miles

Melba Ridge -
FW Joe DeCleur 60 Miles

Mt. Harrison -
FW Gary Thompson 158.6 Miles
PG  Gavin McClurg  85.15 Miles

Pebble Creek  -
PG  Jon Hunt/Chip Hildebrand  130.7 Miles

Pickle Butte -
FW Lou Heienon 98 Miles
RW Kevin Frost 105 Miles

Shaw Mountain -
FW Rick Altig 96 Miles

Simco Rd. -
FW Dano Broyles 55 Miles

Squaw Peak -
FW Rick Altig 45 Miles
RW Kevin Frost 71.7 Miles

Sun Peak -
PG  Mitch Riley  133.62 Miles

The Rim -
FW Jim Grissom 35 Miles

Warm Springs Point -
FW Lou Heienon 75 Miles


Cushing Field -
FW Kris Grzyb 185.5 Miles
FW Kris Grzyb 93.75 Miles(T)

Cullom -
FW Kris Grzyb 213.5 Miles
FW  Kris Grzyb  51.6 Miles (T)
PG Grzegorz Krzyszkowski 86.5 Miles

Dekalb -
FW Larry Bunner 135 Miles
FW Larry Bunner 49 Miles (T)

Enjoy Field -
FW  Kris Grzyb  283.80 
FW  Kris Grzyb  125 Miles (T)
FW  Kris Grzyb  84.8 Miles (OR)
PG  Jaro Krupa  115 Miles
PG  Jaro Krupa   104.2 Miles (T)

Harmon -
FW Larry Bunner 115 Miles

Leland -
FW Kris Grzyb 215.5 Miles

Marengo -
FW Larry Bunner 145 Miles

Rantoul -
FW Dave Whedon/Warren Seipman 68 Miles

West Broolyn -
FW Larry Bunner 176 Miles


Nappanee –
FW Kris Grzyb 276.6 Miles
FW  Kris Grzyb  97.80 Miles (T)
PG Jaro Krupa  96.9 Miles

Rising Sun -
FW Mike Boerschig 116 Miles

Roselawn -
FW Mike Haas 62 Miles


Ottawa -
RW Davis Straub 189.4 Miles
PG Darius Lukosevicius 125.35 Miles


Jeanerette -
FW Victor Toce/Jim Neff 65 Miles

Shreveport -
PG  Britton Shaw  30 Miles


Whitecap -
FW David Hopkins 68 Miles

Fairfield -
PG  David McNulty  48.8 Miles


Highland Aerosports -
FW John Simon 109.8 Miles

Maryland Tow Farm -
FW Joe Gregor 51.9 Miles


Mohawk Trail -
FW Randy Adams 110 Miles

Mount Greylock
FW Tom Lanning 94 Miles
PG  John Gallagher  39.8 Miles

Mount Tom -
PG Edward Garza/John Gallagher 67.5 Miles

Tanner-Hiller Airport
FW Randy Brown 72.2 Miles


Cloud 9 Field -
FW Davis Straub 170 Miles
RW Davis Straub 156.9 Miles


Caledonia -
RW Dave Brandt 108.3 Miles

Castle Rock -
FW Mike Fitzgerald 73 Miles

Cosmos -
FW  Gerry Uchytil/Larry Bunner 158.5 Miles
PG  Thad Spencer  116.1 Miles
PG  Thad Spencer  92.7 Miles (T)

Spring Hill -
PG Paul Lundquist 53 Miles


East Baseline -
PG  Andy Macrae  62 Miles

Ellis Peak -
FW  Mike Davis  120 Miles
PG  Andy Macrae  82 Miles

Highwood Baldy -
FW  Carlin Onsted  150 Miles

Morgan Lane -
PG  Andy Macrae  192.2 Miles

Morrell Lookout -
PG  Peter Swanson 3 4 Miles

Our Lady of the Rockies -
FW  Barney Hallin  70 Miles
PG  Nick Greece  34.8 Miles

Red Mountain -
FW  Barney Hallin  130 Miles
PG  Todd Weigand  45.5 Miles

Shelby -
PG  Andy Macrae 125 Miles


Hot Creek -
PG  Gavin McClurg  115.60 Miles (T)

Ingham -
PG  Gavin McClurg  97 Miles (T) 

Kingsbury Grade -
PG  Josh Cohn  155 Miles

Goodsprings -
PG Tony Lang 85.7 Miles

McClellan -
FW Rich Sauer 162.4 Miles
PG  Nick Greece  167 Miles
RW Unknown 194 Miles

New Pass Peak -
PG  Bill Belcourt  178.37 Miles

Peterson Ridge -
FW Jim Paddock 110 Miles

Slide Mountain -
FW  Kurtis Carter  152 Miles
PG Honza Rejmonek 48.02 Miles
RW Eric Beckman 205 Miles

Tabletop -
FW Wayne O'Sick 103 Miles

Winnemucca -
FW Scot Huber 76.6 Miles


Cannon Mountain -
PG  John Gallagher  20.1 Miles

Morningside -
PG  Davidson Da Silva  34.1 Miles
RW Deane Williams 93.7 Miles


Delaware Water Gap -
PG Jim Maze 43.6 Miles

Redwing Airport -
FW Ric Niehaus 46 Miles


Dry Canyon -
FW  Rich Reinauer  195 Miles
PG  Patrick Harvey-Collard  128.67 Miles

Hobbs -
FW Larry Tudor 303.65 Miles
PG Will Gadd 179.97 Miles
RW David Sharp  258 Miles
SS David Glover 95.6 Miles

Sandia Peak -
FW Paris Williams 202 Miles
PG  Patrick Harvey-Collard  187.56 Miles
RW Heiner Biesel 242 Miles


Altamont -
FW John Sillero 71 Miles

Brace Mountain -
FW Deane Williams 79 Miles

Dansville -
SS Mark Frutiger 28 Miles

Ellenville -
FW Marcello Zanetti 117 Miles
PG Bill Lockwood 30 Miles
RW Dave Hopkins 201 Miles

Finger Lakes Flight Park -
FW Linda Salamone/Kevin Carter 101 Miles
SS Mark Frutiger 37.5 Miles

Hammondsport -
FW Jack Slocum 187 Miles
PG Charles Warren 79.4 Miles

Hancock -
RW Stan Roberts 121 Miles

Mt. Utsayantha -
RW Dave Hopkins 126 Miles

Pumpkin -
FW George Ferris 61 Miles

Stid Hill -
SS Mark Frutiger 31.6 Miles

Willard Mountain -
FW John Chambers 21 Miles


Beckhams's Airfield -
FW Vince Furrer 80 Miles

Burkemont -
PG  Koen Vancampenhoudt  71 Miles

Gryder-Teague Airport -
FW Buba Goodman 106 Miles
RW Jake Alspaugh 146 Miles

Moore Mountain  -
PG  Koen Vancampenhoudt  47 Miles

Sky Retreat, NC -
PG Austin Kasserman  59.7 Miles

Tater Hill -
FW Nelson Howe 98 Miles
PG Marcos Rosenkjer 53.1 Miles


Prairie Haven -
PG Andrei Cojoianu 100.32 Miles


Darbyville (WesMar) -
FW  Pete Lehmann  98.7 miles.
FW  Pete Lehmann  53.7 Miles(OR)
PG  Augusto Espinosa  91.3 Miles
RW  Paul Farina  106 Miles

Cary's -
FW Craig Hassan 41.4 Miles
RW Paul Farina 87 Miles

Farview Airport -
FW Pete Lehmann 72.4 Miles

Richmond Dale -
FW John Alden/Larry Wright 77 Miles


Cavanal Hill -
FW Troy Fant 35 Miles

Buffalo Mountain -
FW  Bruce Mahoney 142 Miles
FW  Greg Chastain 46 Miles(T)
FW  Greg Chastain 28 Miles(OR)
PG  Britton Shaw  95 Miles
PG  Britton Shaw 34.75 Miles (T)
PG  Britton Shaw  44 Miles (OR)
RW  Mark Stump 83 Miles
RW  Roy Mahoney 24 Miles (OR)
RW  Mark Stump 35 Miles (T)

Deer Creek -
FW Bob Peck 81 Miles

Heavener -
FW Warren Flatte 75 Miles
PG  Sebastian Kayrouz  144.30 Miles
RW Mark Stump 106 Miles

Inola 412 Tow -
FW Bruce Mahoney 82 Miles

Panorama -
FW Warren Flatte  64.6 Miles
PG Britton Shaw  109.5 Miles


Bald Mountain -
PG Todd Weigand 41 Miles

Black Cap -
FW  Ramy Yanetz 157.5 Miles
PG  Matt Henzi  147.1 Miles

Coburg Hills -
RW Dwayne Hyatt 82.2 miles

Kilchia -
RW Joe Evans 37 Miles

Pine Mt. -
FW  Mike Tingey 163 Miles
PG  Matt Henzi  176.2 Miles
RW  Charlie Baughman  217 Miles

Walker Mt. - 
FW  Rodger Hoyt  51 miles

Woodrat -
FW   Terry Taggart 44 miles
PG  Hayden Glatte  98 Miles


Avonmore -
FW Pete Lehmann 127 Miles

Bill's Hill -
FW Ric Niehaus 167 Miles
PG Tom Ceunen 69.75 Miles

Fisher Rd. -
FW Pete Lehmann 54 Miles
PG  Tom Ceunen  49.64 Miles

Jacks Mountain -
FW Mitch Shipley/Dennis Pagen 64 Miles

Kirk Ridge -
PG Jim Maze 66.2 Miles

Little Gap -
PG Jim Maze 89.7 Miles

Sacramento -
FW Ric Niehaus 159 Miles

Templeton -
FW Pete Lehmann 182 Miles
SS Pete Lehmann 98 Miles

The Pulpit -
FW Larry Bunner 197 Miles
PG  Tom Ceunen 48.18 Miles


Lake Hartwell -
PG  Koen Vancampenhoudt  34.7 Miles


North Lake Andes -
FW  Devin Wagner  41 Miles


Clinch Mountain -
FW Ellis Newkirk 68.3 Miles

Henson's Gap -
FW  Greg Heckman  111 Miles
PG  Koen Vancampenhoudt  42.3 Miles
RW Dave Hopkins 135 Miles

Walden's Ridge -
PG Luis Rosenkjer 38.2 Miles

Whitwell -
FW Greg Heckman 109 Miles
FW Jeff Nibler 66.5 Miles (OR)
PG Elena Dmitrievskaya 62 Miles
RW Ollie Gregory 109.9 Miles
RW Ollie Gregory 66.5 Miles (OR)


Big Spring -
FW Multiple Pilots 214.8 Miles
RW BJ Herring 240 Miles
FW Multiple Pilots 125.88 Miles (T)
RW Robin Hamilton 186.39 Miles (T)

Columbus -
FW Mick Howard 136 Miles

Edinburg -
PG Josh Cohn 205 Miles
RW Mike Degtoff 125 Miles

Hearne -
FW  Chris Zimmerman 215 Miles
FW  Bo Hagewood 105 Miles (T)
PG  Frederic Bourgault  133.64 Miles
RW  Mark Poustinchian 242 Miles
RW  Multiple Pilots 105 Miles (T)
RW  Davis Straub 85.3 Miles (OR)

Hebbronville -
PG  Luc Armant  287.70

Leakey -
FW Paris Williams/Curt Warren 80 Miles (OR)
RW Scot Huber 146 Miles

Mount Buzz -
PG David Prentice 162 Miles

Packsaddle Mtn. -
FW Unknown 65 Miles

Well's Lane -
FW Mike Degtoff 103 Miles

Wharton -
FW  Robin Hamilton  231 Miles

Zapata -
FW Dustin Martin 475 Miles (WR)
PG Will Gadd 263 Miles
RW Manfred Ruhmer 483.1 Miles
SS Davis Straub 205 Miles


Brigham City -
FW Gary Thompson/Mike Haley 108.4 Miles

C Mountain -
FW Dave Sharp 135 Miles

Camel -
FW Larry Tudor 144 Miles

Commodore -
FW Ray Attig/Tony Sanders 60 Miles

Dead Horse Point -
FW Nick Kennedy 134 Miles

Dinosaur -
FW Keith Lamb 145 Miles
PG Bill Belcourt 54.6 Miles
RW Don Sebastion 188.5 Miles

Frisco Peak -
FW Dave Taylor 178.3 Miles
PG Will Gadd 70 Miles

Graff Point -
FW Lance Merrill 155.4 Miles

Heber -

FW Jeff O'Brien 219.7 Miles
RW Steve Rathbun 160.3 Miles
PG Chris Galli 132.2 Miles

Hell Hole -
FW Steve Rathbun 108.5 Miles

Horse Heaven -
FW  Ryan Voight  125 Miles
PG  Cody Mittanck  173 Miles
RW  Dave Sharp  226 Miles

Hurricane -
FW Len Clements 151 Miles

Inspiration -
FW Charlie Baughman 134.6 Miles
PG Matt Dadam 146.5 Miles
PG  Bill Belcourt  74.5 (OR)

Junction -
FW Jeff Roberson 169.1 Miles
RW Heiner Biesel 153.7 Miles

Jupiter -
PG Chris Galli  199.7 Miles

Mt Olympus -
PG Bill Belcourt 121.3 Miles

Monroe Peak -
FW Frank Hungerford 48 Miles
PG Chris Galli 84.7 miles

Mustang Point -
FW Raleigh Collins 83 Miles

Notch Peak -
FW Bill Goez 50 Miles

Oakley -
PG  Chris Galli  192 Miles

Orphir Pass -
PG  Josh Cohn  225.60 Miles

Parker Ridge -
FW Lisa Verzella 55 Miles

Point of the Mountain (N) -
FW Mike Tingey 104.5 Miles

Randolf -
FW Lisa Verzella 128 Miles
RW Dave Sharp 139 Miles

Snowbird -
FW Zac Majors 83.1 Miles
PG Bill Belcourt 154 Miles

The Ranch -
FW Jeff Roberson 126.2 Miles
RW Dan DeWeese 180 Miles

The V -
PG  Bill Belcourt  105 Miles

Wales -
FW Ray Attig 97.2 Miles

West Mountain -
PG Ryan Swan 52 Miles


Mt Ascutney -
FW Curt Warren 131 Miles
RW Dennis Cavagnaro 122.1 Miles

Mt Bromley -
PG  Eduardo Garza  50.6 Miles

Burke Mtn. -
PG Bianca Heinrich 48.9 Miles

West Rutland -
FW John Sillero 96.2 Miles
PG  John Gallagher  44.1 Miles
RW George Ferris 85 Miles


Crozet -
PG  Tom Ceunen  17.86 Miles

Daniel's Mountain -
PG  Tom Ceunen  43.66 Miles

Dickey's Ridge -
PG  Tom Ceunen 94.3 Miles

Edith's Gap -
PG  Austin Kasserman/Tom Ceunen  79.5 Miles

Flat Top Mountain -
PG  Tom Ceunen  26.67 Miles

Hogback Mt -
PG Juanito Ortiz 69.5 Miles

Tobacco Row -
FW Nelson Lewis 135 Miles

Woodstock -
PG  Tom Ceunen  98.8 Miles


Baldy Mt. -
PG Steve Pieniak 114 Miles

Blanchard -
FW Lionel Space 50.1 Miles

Chelan Butte -
FW  Jeff Beck 178.3 Miles
FW Multiple Pilots 100 Miles (OR)
PG  Matt Henzi  192.7 Miles
RW Larry Jorgenson 185 Miles

Frailey -
FW Dave Little 62 Miles

L Road -
RW  Mike Bomstad  193 Miles (T)

McDonald Mt. -
PG Thomas McCune 19.5 Miles

Tekoa -
FW Jeff Kohler 179 Miles

Tiger Mountain -
FW Dave Little 80 Miles
PG Thomas McCune 48.1 Miles
PG Thomas McCune 42 Miles (OR)


Fairgrounds -
FW  Mitch Shipley  102 Miles

High Point -
FW Mitch Shipley 130 Miles
PG  Tom Ceunen  47.15 Miles

Peter's Mountain -
FW Nelson Lewis 151 Miles

Pinnacle -
FW Jim Rowan/Larry Ball 41 Miles

Spruce Nob -
PG  Jesse Shimrock  40 Miles

Zirks -
FW Tony Smolder 157 Miles


AeroPark, Milwaukee -
FW Kris Grzyb 126 Miles

Blue River -
FW Greg Dinauer 35 Miles

Bong Park -
FW Larry Bunner 63 Miles

Gratiot -
PG  Jaro Krupa  76.9 Miles

Monroe Airport -
FW Dale Maas 85 Miles
FW Larry Bunner 49 Miles (T)

Platteville Mound -
FW Larry Bunner 25 Miles

Potosi -
FW Matt Thoreson 52 Miles

Tomah -
FW Larry Bunner 60 Miles

Whitewater -
FW Greg Dinauer 202 Miles
FW Kris Grzyb 159.5 Miles (T)
PG Grzegorz Krzyszkowski 18 Miles


14 Mile Road -
FW  Larry Tudor  308 Miles
PG  Nathan Grimes  172.5 Miles
SS  Pete Lehmann  129 Miles

Afton -
PG John Hunt 81 Miles

Aspen Mt. Rd. -
FW Pete Lehmann/John Dawson 205 Miles

Beaver Mountain -
PG Kevin Pfister 30.8 Miles

Beaver Rim -
FW Chuck Bright 112.8 Miles

Lab -
PG  Cody Mittanck  271.60 Miles

East Gros Ventre Butte -
PG  Jon Hunt  139 Miles

Grand Targhee -
PG Jon Patterson 68.34 Miles

Jackson Peak -
PG Chip Hildebrand 38 Miles

Low Angle Butte -
PG  Bill Belcourt  238.5 Miles

Nelsons Butte -
PG Chip Hildebrand 45 Miles

Phillips Ridge -
PG Nick Greece 204.6 Miles

Snow King Resort -
PG Nick Greece 95 Miles

Teton Village -
PG  Nick Greece  149.6 Miles
PG  Trey Hackney  118.5 Miles (T)

Whiskey Peak -
FW Kevin Christopherson 287 Miles


  1. The record for Graff Peak in Utah was set by Lance Merrill June 2 1984. This flight exlipsed Mike Tingeys flight of 153 on the same day. Mike had previously flown 151 from Graff Pk. This can be verified by Mike Tingey, Larry Tudor, Jeff Roberson, Steve Rathbunn, Ray Attig and many other pilots from Utah. I would appreciate a correction. Thanks, Lance Merrill feel free to contact me at

  2. Hey Lance Merrill again. The best person to contact for verification of early flight records for H.G. in Utah is Jeff Roberson. He has data for the Utah Cup official entrys and non cup flights for the sport starting around 1980. In fact the year I flew 155.4 from Graff Pk. (1984) He won the Utah Cup with a flight of I believe 49 miles. At the time of the flight Jim Lee had the world record at 163 miles from sandia. Larry went +200 that same year. Thanks Lance Merrill

  3. The Teton Village WY site record was re-set on Aug 10, 2011, by Jon Hunt. The flight distance was 138 miles, also making this flight the current Wyoming State Distance Record to date. The flight terminated past Riverton WY, and before Shoshone WY on the side of hwy 26. Verified by myself in flight and by retrieve, and by gps track log. Trey Hackney, Jackson, WY. (Aug 15, 2011)

  4. Hello Dustin Martin and I, Stan Roberts just flew Saturday 5-12-12. Dustin Went 201 Miles on a FW from The Aubrey Cliffs:

    And I Stan Roberts went 167 miles on a RW:

    Now P Mountain is another Arizona site I've been Pioneering. I made the record there last year of 120 miles:


  5. I flew from Phillips ridge, wyoming for 204.6 miles..jon hunt still holds the teton village record. thanks for updating!

    1. Hi Nick,

      Sorry for the mistake. Since I don't keep track of past records once I delete them can you remind what Jon's record is? Thanks.

  6. OREGON:
    Woodrat Mtn- HG Terry Taggart 44 miles
    Walker Mtn- HG Rodger Hoyt 51 miles

    Herd Peak- HG Rodger Hoyt 54 miles
    Eagleville- HG Rodger Hoyt 108 miles

  7. Hayden Glatte pg woodrat Oregon 98 miles

  8. A new one for Makapuu, HI:

  9. Maybe a spreadsheet that people could download would be better? We could update it ourselves and send it back to you for verification before you upload it again? Just a thought/suggestion.

  10. The King Mtn, ID, record seems a little low. I flew 118 miles there on May 23 this year (2014), and have a very hard time believing that no one has flown further than that and just didn't report it. I'm guessing 200+ miles will happen from that site soon enough!

  11. WA state;
    distance and largest FAI triangle was WA and maybe us?
